Glossary of Terms


posca = cheap wine
vinum = ordinary wine
mulsum = high quality wine
passum = high quality wine

toga = high quality garment for men
tunic = low quality garment for men
chiton = garment for women
palla = shawl like garment for women
stola = garment for married women
sandalia = sandals

sagum = military cloak
caligae = military boots
hasta = spear
gladius = sword
galae = helmet
ocrea = shin protectors
scutum = infantry shield
parma = cavalry shield
funda = slingshot
arcus = bow
pilum = javelin
lorica hamata = mail cuirass
lorica squamata = scales cuirass


see chapter 7 for more information
militus = soldier
cornicen = bugler
signifer = standard bearer
decurio = sergeant
optio = lieutenant
centurio = captain
praefectus cohortis = prefect of the cohort
tribunus militum = military tribune
praefectus fabrum = prefect of the factories
praefectus castrorum = prefect of the camp
legatus = colonel, general

see chapter 8 for more information
marine = marine
magister navis = ship captain
praefectus classis = admiral

see chapter 9 for more information
eques = knight, cavalryman
decurio eques = cavalry sergeant
optio eques = cavalry lieutenant
praefectus alae = prefect of the cavalry wing
praefectus equitum = prefect of the cavalry

magistracies & government

see chapter 12 for more information
consul = head of state, leader
proconsul = provincial governor, consular class
praetor = leader of an army, supreme judge
propraetor = provincial governor, praetorian class
censor = supervisor of the census and public morals and state treasury
aedile = supervisor of the markets, public buildings, temples and festivals
quaestor = minister of finance
princeps senatus = head of the senate, chairman of the senate
senator = senator
tribunus plebis = tribune of the plebs, non magistrate with veto power

see chapter 13 for more information
scribae = scribe
iudex = judge
lictor = bodyguard
vigiles = police officer, firefighter


see chapter 10 for more information
augur = fortune teller by use of entrails
duovir = reader of sibylline books
epulonis = banquet manager
virgo vestalis = vestal virgin
flamen = priest of a cult dedicated to a single god or goddess
rex sacrorum = king of sacred rites
pontifex maximus = bridgebuilder supreme, highpriest of the state religion

feriae = festival without games
ludi = festival with games

class & family

see chapter 1 for more information
proletari = no career, jobless
faber = workman, craftsman
tabernarius = shopkeeper
argentarius = banker
tonsor = barber
lanista = gladiator trainer
auriga = charioteer
balneator = bathkeeper

see chapter 1 for more information
ordo nobilis = noble class, consuls and praetors
ordo senatorius = senator class, senators and other magistrates
ordo patricius = patrician class, priests
ordo equester = knights class, civil servant and cavalrymen
ordo plebeius = commoner class, workmen and infantry and navy
ordo proletarii = low class, unemployed
ordo servus = servile class, slaves

see chapter 2 for more information
alea = wing, storage room
apotheca = storage room at top
atrium = main hall
cubiculum = bedroom
culina = kitchen, preparation of meals
exedra = backroom
pergula = office, overview of prices and goods for sale
peristylium = interior garden, overview of land
taberna = shop
tablinum = main office
triclinium = dining room, consumption of meals
vestibulum = entrance hall


see chapter 14 for more information
aerarium = treasury
aerarium sanctum = reserve treasury
aerarium publicum = public treasury
tributum = poll tax
vectigalia = import tax
centesima = slave manumission tax
portorium = customs duty
scriptura = land tax
decumae = land rent fee
praeda = war booty
annona = grain dole
congiarum = distribution of charity goods to the poor
stipendium = salary for other personnel
salarium = salary for milutary personnel
tabularium = record hall office


lex = law (singular)
leges = laws (plural)
imperium = right to lead armies