Treasury, Taxes & Expenses

Government officials need to keep a weary eye on the taxes and expenses of the Roman state. This chapter lists and explains all the major forms of taxes and expenses that the government deals with.


The Aerarium is the main treasury of the state, this is where all the income ends up. This is also the part of the treasury used to pay the salaries.

Aerarium Sanctum

The Aerarium Sanctum is the reserve treasury of the state, this is where extra money is stored, that is to be used for bad times and fiscal emergencies.

Aerarium Publicum

The Aerarium Publicum is the public treasury of the state, this is where disburstments are made from, for expenses such as: the construction of public buildings, festivals, public grain distributions to the poor and so on.


The tributum is the tax raised on the amount of money available to families. Every Roman family has to pay this tax. The tax is collected each year. The Senate decides how high the percentage should be.

The tax is calculated as follows:
[tributum percentage] * [sum of money in your treasury] = tributum


The vectigalia is the import duty levied on the value of imported goods. The value of imported goods is determined by the prices you see at the market. The Senate decides how high the percentage should be.


The Centesima is a tax levied on the manumission of slaves. The Senate decides how high the percentage should be.


The Portorium is the custom duty. This is paid when you make use of the docks.


The scriptura is the tax raised on the amount of money available to families that own land. Every Roman family that owns land has to pay this tax. The tax is collected each year. The Senate decides how high the percentage should be.

The tax is calculated as follows:
(([amount of land you own] / [total amount of land]) * [scriptura percentage]) * [sum of money in your treasury] = scriptura

Thermae Fee & Market Stall Fee

Every Roman that takes a bath has to pay a fee. The height of this fee is determined by the Senate. The fee is the same for all the baths.


The Praeda is the booty or plunder taken in war. Legati tend to get a large cut of the booty. The potential booty is increased when the money available to the barbarians is increased. Normaly speaking an increase happens when deflation has occured.


The annona is the grain dole, these are distributions of free grain to poor Romans.


The congiarum is the distribution of goods like olive oil, or a cash sum to poor Romans.


The stipendium is the salaries paid to non-military personnel, who are entitled to a salary, such as: lictors, iudex and vigiles.


The salarium is the basic salary paid to the characters in the infantry, cavalry, or navy.


The Tabularium is the records office of the state. This building is located at the Comitium. The record office keeps track of all the major statistics in the game, such as: the rankings, the birthrates and deathrates, the class percentages and so on.


Records are kept at the Tabularium of all the laws and decrees that are currently in order. Records are also kept of any law proposal that was made in the past.


The Tabularium also shows the current rankings.


The Tabularium keeps track of the magistrates and higher priests, that were elected or assigned every year.


The tabularium also stores various statistics into tables. The data in these tables may be useful to any magistrate, senator, or ordinary citizen.

The following statistics are stored into tables every old year:

All these statistics are rounded to the nearest percentage or promillage.

About Inflation

Inflation is when, the total amount of money available in the hands of the state or all the players, increases. The opposite of inflation is deflation, where the total mount of money available in the hands of the state or all the players, decreases. Negative inflation is therefore called deflation. Really high deflation or inflation can be bad for the economy, so a good magistrate tries to avoid the occurence of such a situation.

Possible causes of inflation are: the registration of new players, the deletion of inactive players who are in debt, the minting of currency, the booty or plunder gained from conquests, the collection of taxes from subject barbarians, and the gifts of tribute from barbarian leaders.

Possible causes of deflation are: the deletion of cheaters, the deletion of inactive players who are not in debt, the purchases of goods from barbarian traders, and the gifts or tribute to barbarian leaders.