Game Encyclopedia (City)


The Comitium is the main zone of the city. There is only one Comitium and only Rome has a Comitium.

At the Comitium you can find all the major buildings in the city, such as: Aerarium (treasury), Atrium Libertatis (Censor office), Atrium Vestae (house of the Vestal Virgins), Carcer (prison), Diribitorium (election hall), Graecostacium (diplomatic office), Villa Publica (state headquarters), Regia (house of the Pontifex Maximus), Rostra (speaker's stand), Senate, Tabularium (records office) and Umbilicus.


The treasury is where the taxed money is stored. The treasury also stores the records of the Senate, collected taxes and the standards of the legions. Quaestors may make disburstments from the treasury, collect debts and pay off state debts to players.

Atrium Libertatis

Here the Censors have their office. Here the Censors may perform other functions not found at the senate.

Atrium Vestae

The Vestal Virgins take care of the sacred flame of the goddess Vesta.


Here you can see which characters are in jail, or are due to court for theft, murder or other criminal offences.


Here you can have your candidates run in an election or vote for other candidates.

Villa Publica

The Villa Publica is the state headquarters. Here the magistrates may perform other functions not found at the senate.


The Rostra is the speaker's stand or political platform used for political debate. The Rostra allows all members of the Senate to make their say to the public.


The Regia is the home of the Pontifex Maximus. At this building the Pontifex decides for example which character to assign as priest or Vestal Virgin. Here the Flamens, Augurs, Sacerdotes and other priests gather. The Rex Sacrorum may plan the festival calendar at the Regia.


The Senate is where the members of the Senate vote on and discuss law proposals and where members of the senate elect promagistrates and the Princeps Senatus.


The tabularium is the records office. This is where the rankings are stored and statistics about the demographic, economic, military, or religious state in the Republic.


The umbilicus is the navel of Rome. From this place the distance is measured to all other foreign regions and provinces or places held by Rome. The Umbilicus is good place to see the progress and expansion of the Roman Republic's lands. The Umbilicus shows information conidered vital for importers, exporters and military planners.


A forum is a place to chat and talk with your fellow Romans. A forum always has a market fair and market stalls and a forum may contain basilica and shrines.

Market Stalls

The market stalls is an area in the forum where players may open a market stall to sell goods or livestock harvested or gathered from their farms or villas.

Market Fair

The market fair is place where barbarian traders may gather.


A Basilica is a place of justice and commerce. This is where shops and the tribunal are located.


An aedes is shrine dedicated to a particular god. Here one may offer a libum to the god or goddess of the shrine.


The circus is the place where chariot races are held. Players who wish to race, have to join a syndicate.


The amphitheatre is where gladiatorial combat takes place. Owners of gladiators can have their gladiators participate in fights.


The thermae or baths are a place to relax and chat and have your characters take a bath to clean them. Family members have to take a bath each season to stay clean. A dirty character has a low sanitation value and prolonged uncleanliness decreases the health of the character.


A vicus is a street. Here one may find a list of all the entrances to homes and shops located at that street.


The Emporium is the dock, this is the place where ships and caravans gather with goods and resources to be exported or imported. Located at the Emporium is the Navalia.


The Navalia is naval docks, this is the place where warships gather.


The horreum shows an overview of all the resources stored in the city. This is the place where the state makes disburstments of money, grain or other resources to those in need thereof.


The Castrum Praetorium is the place where the military recruits gather. Consuls and Legati may enlist recruits into the infantry, cavalry, or navy here.