Trade with barbarian traders may sometimes be necessary. Certain raw resources are scarce and if Rome is unable to produce or import those resources, then you may need to purchase those resources from barbarian traders.
The are 6 kinds of Barbarian (NPC) traders, namely:
The prices of the goods that the barbarian traders are willing to sell, are between brackets. Certain goods become more expensive over time and so the prices of these goods will increase.
If no one is able to produce or import some resources, then you can find those Barbarian traders at a market fair.
The paragraph on consumption describes the consumption of goods in the game and shows what the demand may be of resources in the game.
What kinds of food a household member consumes depends on the class of that household member. The required food items for a meal for each class are as follows:
You need 1 unit of pottery and 1 unit of furniture per household member for the kitchen. If you do not have enough furniture and pottery then you will not be able to use the kitchen to prepare meals. There is a random chance for pottery and furniture to break, so eventually you will have to replace broken furniture and pottery and buy new pottery or furniture.
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Clothing is required for the household member to perform their jobs. The following table lists the required clothing according to the class of the household member. Clothing is subject to wear and tear and like pottery or furniture there is a random chance each turn of the season, that clothing is torn, and may need to be replaced.
Class | Male | Female |
ordo nobilis | toga + sandalia | chiton + palla + sandalia |
ordo senatorius | toga + sandalia | chiton + palla + sandalia |
ordo patricius | toga + sandalia | chiton + palla + sandalia |
ordo equester | tunic + sandalia | chiton + sandalia |
ordo plebeius | tunic | peplos |
ordo proletarii | tunic | peplos |
ordo servus | tunic | peplos |
Men in the military also require a sagum and caligae as footwear.
Married women require a stola instead of a chiton or peplos.
Men and women who want to be married need jewelry. One unit for the wife and one unit for the husband.
Military men need weapons and armor. The following table lists the required weapons needed for the type of soldier.
Class | Main Weapon | Auxiliary Weapons | Armor | Other |
Eques | hasta or gladius | pugio | parma + galae + ocrea + lorica squamata or hamata | horse |
Triarii | hasta | gladius + pugio | scutum + galae + ocrea + lorica squamata or hamata | |
Principes | gladius | pugio | scutum + galae + ocrea + lorica squamata or hamata | |
Hastati | hasta | pilum | scutum + galae + lorica squamata or hamata | |
Velites | pilum | (gladius) | scutum | |
Rorarii | funda + (arcus) | |||
Accensi |
The weapons listed in between brackets are optional weapons and are therefore not mandatory. The funda or slingshot is not a weapon that is produced in any workshop, but is the standard weapon for Rorarii if they are not equiped with any other weapon. The accensi are not soldiers, but men enlisted in the army as raw recruits. Any character that has enlisted in the army, but has not been equiped with any weapons or armor and is not yet enlisted into a legion, is considered Accensi.
Marines do not require any weapons and most marines are basically rowers and they therefore are considered to be equiped with the funda.
The pugio or dagger is a sign of high rank and wealth. Any soldier or officer with at least the rank of centurio or higher needs to be equiped with a pugio, regardless of what types of soldiers they command. Every officer, whether cavalry or army needs the gladius and the full set of armor that a Triarii also has.
Weapons and armor are lost if the character who carries the equipment dies in battle.
Characters wishing to participate in a chariot race, need a chariot and four horses.
Secutor | Retiarius | Murmillo | Thraex | Samnites | Hoplomachus | Bestiarus |
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Characters wishing to participate in gladiatorial combat, need weapons and armor. The following table lists the required weapons and armor needed for the type of gladiator.
Class | Weapons | Armor |
Secutor | gladius | galae + scutum |
Retarius | pugio | |
Murmillo | gladius | galae + sutum |
Thraex | gladius | galae + ocrea + parma |
Samnites | gladius | galae + ocrea + scutum |
Hoplomachus | hasta + gladius | galae + parma |
Bestiarus |
The bestiarus is not an actual gladiator, but a man trained to fight animals.
Ships can be constructed at a wharf at a port. There are 3 kinds of vessels, namely: the bireme, trireme, and quinquireme. Ships are required to transport goods and troops across the sea.
The list in this paragraph shows all the production cycles of the workshops.
Lighting a Fire
Sometimes you need to light a fire in order to produce certain goods. You only need to light the fire once for each person that you employ in your workshop that produces that kind of good. For example in a bakery it does not matter whether you produce 10 loaves of bread or 100 loaves of bread, in both cases you need 90 units of timber to light the oven. Naturally if you know this, then you also know that it is more economical to have that worker produce large quantities, because the higher the quantity, the less amount of fuel such as timber or charcoal you use per produced unit.
Fatigue is increased each time a worker produces a resource. If the fatigue numbers 100 or higher then that worker will not be able to produce anymore goods, because that worker is too tired, as he or she has reached the maximum fatigue. How much a worker can produce before getting too fatigued is shown in the list by the maximum. For example a worker with 0 fatigue, can produce 90 hasta per season, before he reaches 100 fatigue. Fatigue is rounded upwards, so again it is more economical to have a worker produce large enough quantities to avoid wasting the production potential of a worker.
You need resources to produce goods at a workshop. In some cases fractions of a certain resource is needed to produce 1 unit of a certain good. For example you need a half fish to produce 1 unit of garum. Of course you cannot substract a half fish, so naturally it is rounded upwards. So that means for example, that if you produce 1 unit of garum, you require 1 unit of fish. Likewise if you are producing 2 units of garum, you require 1 unit of fish.
So it is best to produce goods in large quantities, because everything is rounded upwards!
Dyes can only be produced, if you own land in certain regions, where pigments are available.
The following amount of regions have pigments in the world:
1 timber = 2 pilum (maximum is 180 units)
1 timber = 1 hasta (maximum is 90 units)
2 timber = 1 parma (maximum is 90 units)
2 iron = 1 scutum (maximum is 90 units)
2 iron = 1 ocrea (maximum is 90 units)
3 iron = 1 lorica hamata (maximum is 10 units)
3 iron = 1 lorica squamata (maximum is 10 units)
1 bronze = 1 galae (maximum is 30 units)
2 iron + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 gladius (maximum is 30 units)
1 iron + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 pugio (maximum is 30 units)
1 timber = 1 arcus (90 units)
1 iron ore + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 iron (maximum is 1000 units)
1 copper ore + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 copper (maximum is 1000 units)
1 tin ore + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 tin (maximum is 1000 units)
1 silver ore + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 silver (maximum is 1000 units)
1 gold ore + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 gold (maximum is 1000 units)
1 copper + 1⁄10 tin + (90 charcoal as fuel) = 1 bronze (maximum is 1000 units)
wine workshop
1⁄2 grapes + 1⁄2 herbs = 1 posca (maximum is 3000 units)
1 grapes = 1 vinum (maximum is 3000 units)
1 grapes + 1 honey = 1 passum (maximum is 3000 units)
2 grapes + 1 honey = 1 mulsum (maximum is 3000 units)
oil workshop
1 olives = 1 olive oil (maximum is 3000 units)
sauce workshop
1⁄2 fish + 1⁄4 herbs + 1⁄8 spices + (90 timber as fuel) = 1 garum (maximum is 3000 units)
1 millet = 1 flour (maximum is 3000 units)
1 barley = 2 flour (maximum is 3000 units)
1 grain = 3 flour (maximum is 3000 units)
1 flour + 1 honey + (90 timber as fuel) = 1 bread (maximum is 3000 units)
1 flour + 1 honey + (90 timber as fuel) = 1 cake (maximum is 3000 units)
1 flour + 1 honey + 1 eggs + (90 timber as fuel) = 1 libum (maximum is 3000 units)
pottery workshop
1 clay + (90 timber as fuel) = 1 pottery (maximum is 3000 units)
1 wool = 1 textile (maximum is 3000 units)
butcher workshop
1 horse = 12 blood sausage + 4 hides (maximum is 1000 units)
1 cow = 12 blood sausage + 12 sausage + 4 hides (maximum is 1000 units)
1 sheep = 6 blood sausage + 2 hides (maximum is 1000 units)
1 pig = 8 blood sausage + 8 sausage + 8 pork sausage + 2 hides (maximum is 1000 units)
1 chicken = 2 blood sausage + 1 poultry (maximum is 1000 units)
1 rabbit = 4 blood sausage + 1 rabbit meat + 1 hide (maximum is 1000 units)
1 goose = 3 blood sausage + 2 poultry (maximum is 1000 units)
1 hide + 1⁄10 potash = 1 leather (maximum is 1000 units)
dye workshop
1 textile + 1⁄50 purple dye + 1⁄20 madder dye + 1⁄10 indigo dye + 1⁄50 iron + 1⁄50 copper + 1⁄50 tin + 1⁄20 clay + 1⁄10 potash = 1 cloth (maximum is 2000 units)
purple dye (maximum is 2000 units)
madder dye (maximum is 3000 units)
indigo dye (maximum is 3000 units)
1 cloth = 1 tunic (maximum is 90 units)
2 cloth = 1 toga (maximum is 90 units)
1 cloth = 1 sagum (maximum is 90 units)
2 cloth = 1 peplos (maximum is 90 units)
2 cloth = 1 chiton (maximum is 90 units)
3 cloth = 1 stola (maximum is 90 units)
1 cloth + 1 silk = 1 palla (maximum is 90 units)
1 leather = 1 caliga (maximum is 500 units)
1 leather = 1 sandalia (maximum is 500 units)
1 log = 1 timber (maximum is 3000 units)
1 timber = 1 charcoal (maximum is 3000 units)
1 timber = 1 potash (maximum is 3000 units)
carpenter workshop
2 timber = 1 furniture (maximum is 90 units)
4 timber = 1 chariot (maximum is 10 units)
1 milk = 1 cheese (maximum is 3000 units)
1 gold = 1 jewelry (maximum is 30 units)
Players who have an import business, can import certain goods. Some import goods cannot be produced in any workshop and so they have to be imported.
You need to have an import shop if you wish to import goods, such as: spices, silk, incense, perfume, indigo dye, papyrus and ivory. There are other goods that may be imported by ship, but for these goods no import shop is required, only a ship is needed.
You also need a ship to transport the imported goods. There are 3 classes of ships:
Enactment of the Lex Horatia as law limits the number of ships, that a player who has a family member in the Senate may construct, to a maximum of 3 ships.
Ships can be constructed at the Emporium in Rome. A newly constructed ship is launched at the harbour of Ostia.
You may export goods to some barbarian tribes who have the right of commercium with Rome. A ship is required to export goods.