9:59 10-16-2011
I also noticed that AI tribute for the tax system does not work. AI movement and diplomacy is still not functioning properly, I am working on it.
17:12 07-20-2011
The AI movement and conquest on the worldmap works now. AI Diplomacy and AI movement on the battle map are the only parts that need to be fixed.
16:02 05-30-2011
The bugs in the circus have been removed. The only part that needs to debugged is the battle system.
15:28 05-01-2011
I debugged the harbour, the prison, the vestal fire, the basilica and so on. The circus is almost done and so is the battle system. Everything else works now.
0:07 03-28-2011
The arena is debugged. Next on the list is the circus.
18:53 03-08-2011
The senate is debugged. The senate also works now. The circus and the arena are next to be debugged. The last part to be debugged is the battle system.
14:28 03-07-2011
The bug that caused the land to not set fallow in the summer and winter has been removed. The harvest of herbs and logging now also works.
22:07 03-05-2011
I fixed the bugs relating to marriages and births.
13:49 02-27-2011
After the senate has been debugged, I will debug diplomacy, the arena, the circus and the army. With that done alpha test will be complete.
13:48 02-27-2011
When the economy is debugged I will work on the debugging of the senate. I know that elections work, but the legislation process has some bugs.
13:39 02-27-2011
The economy works now. You can produce goods. Taxes are collected as they should be collected. Only thing that does not work as it should, is that the farmland does not set fallow yet. I am working on a fix for this bug.