Senate Legislation

The Constitution

The constitution is the one set of laws that the Senate cannot alter.

Military Reforms

1. Lex Maniples (Manipular Legion)

This is the standard Roman Legion at the beginning. The Legio consists of the following subunits: 3 Maniples, 6 Centuria and 12 contubernia. The rank of Praefectus Cohortis is removed. The cavalry subunit or the Turma consists of 6 men. Total numerical strength of the Legion including attached cavalry is 84 men.

2. Leges Maria (Marian Reforms)

This reshapes the standard Roman Legion, or the Manipular Legion into the Marian Legion. The Legio consists of the following subunits: 2 Cohortes, 8 Centuria and 16 contubernia. The rank of Praefectus Cohortis is available. The cavalry subunit or the Turma consists of 4 men. Total numerical strength of the Legion including attached cavalry is 102 men.

The enactment of this law automatically revokes the law of the Manipular Legion.

Keep in mind that once this reform is in place that it cannot be undone!

Agrarian Reforms

3. Leges Agrariae Cassia

This set of laws allow Consuls to give handouts of recently conquered public lands to families, of 19 iugera of land per family.

4. Leges Agrariae Licinia

This set of laws limits the number of iugera of privately held land to 10 iugera per family member.

5. Leges Agrariae Semproniae

These laws limit the amount of land that can be confiscated and that can be used as collateral for loans. Hence this set of laws also limits the amount of money that can be borrowed from bankers. The limit is 24 uncia per iugera.

State Reforms

6. Lex Clodia Frumentaria

The enactment of this law allows the Aediles to give handouts of grain and oil.

7. Lex Aelia Sentia

The enactment of this law allows for the manumission of slaves. Families may free a slave.

8. Lex Fannia Sumtuaria

This law limits the sums of money which are to be spent on entertainment and festivals. The limit is 80,000 uncia per gladiatorial fight and 120,000 uncia per chariot race.

9. Lex Horatia

The enactment of this law limits the number of goods a family with a member of the senatorial class may import.

10. Lex Publicia

The enactment of this law allows for gambling and betting on chariot races.

Legal Reforms

11. Lex Publilia

This law moves the elections of the Censors from the comitia centuriata to the comitia tributa.

12. Lex Julia

This law removes the need of confirmation for the investment of imperium from the comitia centuriata.

13. Lex Thoria

The enactment of this law also allows Consuls, Praetors, Proconsuls and Propraetors to undertake diplomatic negotiations with barbarians besides the Legati.

14. Leges Liviae

The enactment of this set of laws allows Consuls to create new provinces without intervention of the Senate. This set of laws also allows the Consuls to assign and revoke the rights of commercium with barbarians at will.

15. Lex Petronia

The enactment of this law prohibits slaves to fight wild animals in the arena.

Civil Reforms

16. Lex Junia

The enactment of this law allows for married characters to divorce.

Taxes & Expenses Reforms

Members of the Senate may propose changes to the height of taxes with the approval of the senate.

17. Tributum

The tributum is the tax raised on the amount of money available to families. Every Roman family has to pay this tax. The tax is collected each year. The Senate decides how high the percentage should be and it can range between 1 and 40 percent.

18. Scriptura

The scriptura is the tax raised on the amount of money available to families that own land. Every Roman family that owns land has to pay this tax. The tax is collected each year. The Senate decides how high the percentage should be and it can range between 1 and 20 percent.

19. Centesima

The Centesima is a tax levied on the trade of slaves. It can range between 1 uncia and 10,000 uncia.

20. Portorium

The Portorium is the custom duty. It can range between 1 uncia and 10,000 uncia.

21. Thermae Fee & Market Stall Fee

The Thermae Fee & Market Stall Fee is the fee paid whenever someone takes a bath and whenever someone opens a market stall. It can range between 5 uncia and 1,000 uncia.

22. Stipendium

The stipendium is the yearly salary paid to non-military characters, who are entitled to a salary. The Senate can alter the height of the Stipendium anywhere between 1 uncia and 40,000 uncia.

23. Salarium

The Salarium is the yearly salary paid to men in the military. The Senate can alter the height of the Salarium anywhere between 1 uncia and 80,000 uncia.

Political Acts

24. Minimum Age

Members of the Senate may decide to alter the minimum age for certain political offices. These changes do have to be ratified by the Senate. Under no circumstance shall the minimum age be lower than 18 years old and higher than 48 years old.

25. Officials

The number of officials required of the following magisterial, government and religious offices can be increased:
Praetor: from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8
Aedile: from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6
Quaestor: from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 20
Epulones: from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 7
Augur: from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 7


26. Province Creation

Consuls may alter the territory of an existing province. The senate has to ratify the creation of a new province if the Leges Liviae is not enacted, else the Consuls may decide to create a new province.

Note that Propraetor may have a lictor assigned to him and a Proconsuls may have 2 Lictors assigned to him. These lictors receive a salary from the state.

The Consuls may decide which former Consul shall be Proconsul and which former Praetor shall be Praetor.


27. Army Levy

Consuls may decide to levy new legions or new ships. The senate still has to ratify the levy. Note that each new legion or ship will have to be financed.

City Planning Acts

28. Public Building Construction

Each newly constructed shrine requires a sacerdotes to fill the new vacancy in order for the shrine to function. In a similar way a tribunal in a basilica requires a Iudex. Each newly constructed forum may have a Vigiles assigned to it, to guard that district from thieves, burglars, assassins and fires. Likewise a shrine requires a sacerdos or priest. Note that the salaries for these public and religious offices have to be paid for by the government. The senate has to ratify these changes.

This list shows the construction costs of zones and public buildings: